Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ok, Might Be Starting Over Already

so, I think I might wait out my fresh start until the first week of February. Use up the rest of our "bad" food and really get planning for this.
Hopefully Mrs. Marshall and I will be getting a biggest loser contest started by then too! It is so much easier to get into shape when you are doing it with friends and competing!

Other than that, Rex is in for a short but hard week at work. He works a regular shift today, regular shift Monday .. kind of . He will work 7-3pm Monday, come home (he gets here about 5pm) and then has to turn around and be back at work at 2am, meaning he will have to go to bed at 6 or 7 and be up at 11pm, catch the bus at 12:30 am. He will then get to work at 2am, work from then until 3pm, and then work Wednesday until 10am. Ughhh icky icky schedule!! But I will have him home most of Wednesday until Saturday! Woo Hoo!

Ben is still not sleeping through the night, which is killing me! He just gets up to eat, but man oh man, I would LOVE a full nights sleep!! I am running on fumes!

Let's see what else is going on in Bateman Land..... not much else. Hope everyone has a good week!

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