Sunday, May 6, 2012

Letting the Light Back In

After what seems like a long while, I finally feel like I am getting back on track spiritually and emotionally. The miscarriage and heartache of it all hung around longer than I has expected. After a tumultuous week this week, and unexpected issues happening, I ended up in my Bishop's office today and I feel better 10-fold. Just saying out loud that I was hurting and that it has been hard for me to go to church and be around people who either A- still do no know I miscarried B- Be around people who are pregnant C- Be around people trying to comfort me, but still talking about it upsets me or D- People not saying anything at all  has been difficult. He offered words of comfort, compassion and reassurance on so many things. The spirit was back in my life after a long absence.   I also got to talk to him about many others things and made sure choices my family and I were making were right. It was wonderful to have my husband by my side through the whole meeting too. I feels good to be back!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm so glad you feel the light coming back. It sucks to have it missing. Talking to the bishop was a great idea. Here are some long-distance hugs! Love you.