Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Dream Come True

I will have pictures soon! The past week we have been working on making my new garden. You know, the one I have been babbling about for the past two years..... well it is finally happening. With the help of many gracious friends, days of very hard works, sore muscles, blisters, blisters that have turned into calluses, sweat, more sweat, and a great sense of pride that we did this all with little money, lots of help and hard work.

I am excited to plant tomorrow! I have already bought my goodies. Everything is sitting on my dining room table, acclimating, as well as waiting out the crazy weather we have been having. It is SO different going from a 3ft by 20 ft garden to a 25ft by 23ft garden! Lots of space to fill!!!

Here is what I have so far:

4 pumpkins
4 zucchinis
4 summer squash
4 acorn squash
10 cucumber plants
10 snap pea plants
10 green bean plants
2 basil
1 cilantro
1 lemon thyme
1 rosemary
1 dill
16 tomato plants
1 cayenne pepper plant
2 jalapenos plants
6 bell pepper plants
2 watermelon plants
1 pack of mammoth sunflower seeds
6 packs of carrot seeds
8 onion packs ( about 5 in each compartment)

Ahh! I cannot wait!! I am also getting a raspberry bush soon. We also have strawberry plants from last year.

I wish I would have taken before and after pictures, but the children.. hid my camera from me for a few days. I found it this morning under my bed. Hmm. Interesting.

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