Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hit the Wall

I swear, I have never been this tired in my whole entire life. ( Talk to me in 6 months when I have a newborn and am sleep deprived..) I have been trying to keep up with my daily routine, but man, it is kicking my rear end! I never thought it was possible, but I fell asleep in the shower 3 times Sunday morning. Let me tell you, that is a dangerous thing to do! I really hope this passes when I go into my 2nd trimester. The hormones have not been fun. I feel like a crazy person! I am trying to keep myself and emotions under control, but things tend to slip out sometimes. I have a feeling it is going to be a loooonnnnggg pregnancy.


Liz said...

I hear you, sister! I'm so sorry. I hope it gets better SOON! I read something funny today: an OB defined the three trimesters in three words: "dreary, cheery and weary." Pretty right on, don't you think?!

Sure love you. I wish I could be there to do something for you in person. But here are some virtual hugs!

Jenn Marshall said...

Oh, Sara. I'm so sorry. I don't miss those days! lol Take it easy - or atleast try; you have a lot on your plate!