Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I love "those" moments. Yesterday, we started off our morning with a devotional as usual. When we started our school season off, we began to read the Old Testament. Bit by bit, verse by verse, we have not made it very far, but the main point is that the boys are understanding it. We were reviewing what we had read the previous day about Cain and Able, then I was about to begin where we had left off and then .. it happened. THE MOMENT. All three boys started asking questions. Why did Cain kill Able, why did Heavenly Father respond the way he did, and my favorite was Benji's comment, "Cain did not makes very good decisions, did he?" Ahh, it was amazing. They were involved and motivated and yearning to hear more. It was very very nice.
 Today was a different kind of day. There were no "moments", at least not the good kind of moments. Instead we had melt down at Walmart moments, and talk your head off and make mommy go crazy moments. Here is hoping tomorrow is better!
 So, my grandma is in the hospital with pneumonia, and it is not looking good at all. They boys are going to a friends house tomorrow and I am going to go visit her. I am kinda scared, but she has been asking for me. I really hope she pulls through. I selfishly cannot fathom losing her.
 Updates to follow tomorrow! 

1 comment:

Liz said...

I hope your grandma pulls through. So tough. I'm so sorry.

Yeah, we sure do need those moments, don't we? Gotta keep us going through the rough times!