Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6th, 2013

Yesterday was our first day of school. It is going very very well, and I think after revamping our schedule a few times, we are getting closer to getting down a routine that really works for us.

Here are the boys' first day of school pictures!
 My little sweet heart.
My little tough guy.
 Big kid, moving onto 2nd grade school work!
 Mr. Trenton, starting mostly 6th grade work now. Time flies!
 Class Picture -- not all of us totally in the picture, but hey, we tried.
 Lots of organizing, planning and keeping things in order!
We have a goal set for all of us to read 300 books all together, by January 1st, 2014.
We are already almost done with Stuart Little. Then, we move onto Little House on the Prairie.

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