Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5th, 2013

I have been thinking a lot lately. It is nice to think this much, about certain things at least. Our Stake has been very missionary oriented lately. We had a fireside last night all about how to be everyday missionaries, not just leaving the job up to those serving in the mission field full time. This really made me think back 4 years. Our neighbors were such people. Not ashamed, not shy or afraid, but steadfast in their faith. Just a few simple words and the kindness and compassion shown towards our family, changed things for us for all eternity. How hard is it really for us to just try. Just to reach out, and give people the chance to experience something new, unknown to them, and showing others how faithful and passionate we members are. You never know what seeds you are planting in someone's heart, regardless of religion, lifestyle, social status, and so on. As you go through out your days, do you realize how much people are watching what you do and how you behave? Everyone is labeled to an extent, and everyone judges to an extent. So, why not try to be the best you can be? Leave people with the best impression you can. You can leave an impact.  

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