Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4th, 2013

Here is Miss Evelyn in all her cuteness! She loves her bath time so very much!
She is just so cute!
We had a small yard sale, all for one reason. So Joe could have a lemonade stand. That boy is a born salesman! He did great. We turned it into a homeschool lesson, and taught him about buying your product, taking out loans, paying interest and making a profit.
Life is very good. Things are going well, the kids are good, Rex's job is good, home life is good.
I got a new calling today. I am very excited to be back in the mix of things again. I was released from my Young Women's Presidency calling in October, and I have been doing the Ward Bulletin since. Today, I was called in as the 2nd counselor for the Primary Presidency. I have never had a calling in Primary before, so I am very excited to take on this calling. I am with a great group of women and a fantastic group of Primary kids.

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