Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8th, 2013

It has been a long while, and while I hate to admit it.. I fell back to the grips of the Facebook monster. It is nice though, I can be very selective now :) I am slowly adding back on those who I need in my life. I will get to ya all soon.

Life has been nothing short of interesting these past few months.

 I have one week left of school. It has been tough this semester, but it is my last. I was chos, but it is busyen as Student of the Semester for my major. It was a big honor. I was chosen out of a lot of other students, and it is great that my hard work is being noticed.
 I have a lot to get done this last week and everything else is falling on this week too. I will make it through though. I hope.

 My new calling is perfect. I really like it but it is busy. I think it is even more busy because my turn to teach falls during the month of finals, Joe's birthday, the ward Christmas party ( me being of charge of the kids goodie bags) and teaching the Christmas Lesson ( and being in charge of the Primary Christmas Gifts, and cards) and Scouting stuff. It is a very fun calling though.

 The fam is great. The boys are being boys.. but are wonderful and full of energy. They keep me on my toes. Rex is working hard, Fisher's is growing in size and business is good. Rex is in the company calendar this year.

Pretty funny, and a good picture!

In other craziness... I have had to cut my mother out of my life. I tis heartbreaking and sad, but there is a lot of damaged caused within the last few months.

A few months ago she told us all that she had liver cancer and she only had a few months to live. On Thanksgiving, she called and said it was just a matter of days for her to live. It turns out, it was all a lie. She lied to all of us and played into our emotions. While I know she has a lot of mental health issues, and cannot help a lot of what she does.. but I cannot have my family put through these ups and downs and craziness. It really has had me a mess, and I am trying to figure out all of my emotions.

Aside from that downer news, the holidays are in full swing! Joe turns 8 on Friday, Evelyn is SO close to walking.. ALREADY, Trenton is reading day in and day out, Benji is cute, cuddly, funny and full of laughs. Life, for the most part, is grand!

 The dads came to visit! It was a great time having us all together.
 I don't care for my double chin... but I love this picture. I  LOVE MY GRANDMA!
I made a new wreath this year too!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yea, you're back! Glad to hear things are happy, for the most part. Congrats on the honor at school! You deserve it, lady.

So sorry to hear about the tough stuff with your mom. Hugs!