Thursday, March 6, 2014


Tuesday, my dear sweet grandma, passed away. My heart aches horribly, but I know she is where she needs to be now. I miss her so very much, and right now it feels as if nothing will ever take away my pain and longing to see her again, but I know it will get better. You realize so many things when a loved one passes. The world feels as though it stops, and everything is in slow motion. The scary part is, is that is does not. Nothing stops, nothing slows and you really have to push through and still live, even if it feels as though you are not. It is all so surreal. I am still figuring out what to do with myself and how to handle it all. One day at a time I suppose.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your nana. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs.