Monday, December 22, 2014

Getting Back

I really feel the need to document our lives more, so I hope to get back on track of blogging. I am going to follow the GREAT example of my dear friend, Liz, and blog something daily.
 A lot has happened this year, and even more so just in the last couple months.Here is a list, as it is easier than explaining each event, since about July. 

Dad is only a few blocks away from me now!!
Broke my ankle--yuck
Rex stared school
Benji turned 6
Grandma Olson passed very unexpectedly 
I am STILL in school, but for a different major now that I have graduated
Kids are growing WAY too fast
Andrea is in her senior year of high school
Halloween was a blast
Home remodel is done.. for now
Thanksgiving was awesome to share with family
 We did a 40 day challenge as a family and it was spiritually uplifting and a great blessing
Joe turned 9
Today I was sustained as the Jerome 10th ward Primary President. YIKES!! I am excited, but nervous. I look forward to learning from this calling and serving all the children and their families. 

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