Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Growing Belly

So on my old blog I updated with a belly pic once every 4 weeks starting from my 4 week is pregnancy. I am lucky I found out so early that I was pregnant so I could document this! (ps. I sound out at 3 weeks along that I was prego! We thought we were having twins for a while because we found out so soon!)

4 Weeks along, just came off a Biggest Loser Challenge too! Lost 28 pounds!

8 Weeks

12 weeks

16 Weeks

20 Weeks

24 Weeks

28 weeks

32 Weeks!

CAN I GET ANY BIGGER! Oh my goodness! I feel and look like a HOUSE! Surprisingly I am only at a 19 pound gain with this boy, and the doctors always tell me I am all baby! Here's hoping! And I am thankful that there will only be 2 more pictures left of this pregnancy! I am being induced at 38 weeks, so a 36 week pic and one right before i go to the hospital! Woo Hoo!


Liz said...

Oh, hush. You're beautiful. :-)

My mom said to say hi and lots of congratulations, by the way. She was glad to hear you're doing so well!

Jenn Marshall said...

From what I experienced, yes, you can get bigger. lol That's funny - you gained 19 lbs. and I've lost 19 lbs. since I had Robby. Thanks for taking it from me. What a friend. LOL