Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22nd, 2013

Life seems to be getting a bit more normal. I got put on antibiotics and they seem to be working. My energy is slowly returning.

 I am organizing and planning more for the boys' school year to start in 2 weeks. It is going to be fun. I think this year will be even easier, as I know what to expect and I am not so worried and stressed about every little detail.

Rex has been working a lot and having some long hours, but it is all worth it! He is such a great husband and father.

Andrea and I are going to try to start going to the Temple every Wednesday ... early... but she wants to start going to do baptisms, and I have plenty of names for her!

Trenton is being such a good little boy! I should say boy, growing into young man. He offered to give a talk in Primary, he is starting to a lot of things without being asked, he gets mad if I open my own car door without letting him open it for me. He is just turning into a really great person.

Joe has been making some really great choice too! He made his bed Sunday morning with out being asked, helped Ben get breakfast, and is constantly helping with Evelyn. He is getting more and more confident in his reading and writing, and is excited to start is school work. He and Rex went on a daddy son outing, and it was just what Joe needed. He is such a silly kid.

Benji is such a goofy and funny boy! He is always making us laugh and smile. He is being a bit mischievous and we are working on responsibility and taking care of our things. He likes to make messes and test out how things work, which can get him into trouble, but he is trying. He is writing a lot and is excited to start his Kindergarten work coming up for school.

Miss Evelyn is just wonderful. She is teething full force,  but is still a great baby. She is sleeping great and is so quiet an mild mannered. She is rolling over and cooing and babbling so much! We are blessed to have her in our lives.

We have a super busy week ahead of us, but it will be fun!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

You sound so happy! Yea for that. So glad things are happy at your house!