Friday, July 26, 2013

July 25th, 2013

So, things seem to be moving along as usual. Nothing too fantastic happening. Rex just got back from a short business trip to Idaho Falls. He took some beautiful pictures of the temple and the falls. He even had some time last night to go to the visitor's center. I am glad he got to have that time.

We are almost all set and ready to start school. Organize and prepare!! It is fun. Ben is very excited to start his official Kindergarten work. It should be a great year in the school of mama!

I am heading to the doctor again soon. I am just not finding the umph that I once had. Evelyn is sleeping through the night, I have been eating healthy and exercising, and doing all the things I should be doing, but I still have no energy. I get completely exhausted and have had a hard time even functioning on some days. My iron is somewhat low, but not in the anemic zone. They next thing they are looking at is my thyroid. We will see how it goes.

The garden is growing like crazy. I don't have as much time as I would like to put towards it, but it is surviving and I will have plenty to can and eat! My apple and pear trees are packed full too.

Until another day!

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